3 Main Types of Hearing Aids Styles

Hearing problems are not pleasant to deal with, but choosing the perfect hearing aid can make everything so much better. However, choosing the ideal hearing aid for you can be quite a hassle because the market is flooded by numerous brands. Fortunately, this article looks at the different hearing aids styles to give you an idea of what choices you have.

3 Main Types of Hearing Aids Styles

  1. In-the-ear Hearing Aids

These hearing aids come as a custom-fit and are worn in the ear canal. Normally, they are made from an impression obtained by your hearing care specialist during your hearing aid appointment. To blend with the outer ear, these styles are usually offered in a variety of skin tones.

Remember that while some ITE hearing aids others are designed to fit closer to the outer ear, others are designed to fit deep within the canal. Therefore, if you go for the one that fits near the outer ear, make sure the color shade is the same as your skin tone.

  1. Behind-the-ear Hearing Aids

These hearing aids styles are worn behind or on top of the ear. However, they are accompanied by tubing that runs down into the ear canal. In addition, other aids come with a dome style that doesn’t completely cover the ear canal opening. Most styles come in a variety of colors to match your hair or skin tone. Alternatively, you can pick a flashier design for a more unique touch.

  1. Inside-the-canal Hearing Aids

These are the tiniest and most unnoticeable types of hearing aids on the market. Since they are meant for the canal, they are perfect for patients who want privacy and discretion. Remember, they must be withdrawn by tugging on a little pull-out cord after being inserted extremely deeply in the ears.

Preferably, these types are meant for people with mild – to – moderate hearing loss. However, they normally don’t come with any manual controls, such as volume wheels or program buttons, due to their small size.

Wind Up

Managing hearing loss requires professional care and patience. This is because some hearing problems can be fixed over time. However, some people suffer permanent impairment which is impossible to fix. Either way, being able to acquire a high-quality hearing aid goes a long way in helping patients manage the situation.

That said, it is important to understand the different types of hearing aids there are. That way, you can know which one suits your personal needs and style. Finally, always consult with a certified doctor before choosing any hearing aids styles.

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